Always secure with an ISO/IEC 27001 certified ISMS

Proceeding with the digitalization of your company inevitably goes together with more complex IT-systems such as quality control- or risk management systems. All these systems allow you to work in a time-saving and resource-efficient manner, and in this way provide a basis for most productive business processes.

Compet​itive advantage & market entry requirement

However, they are exposed to a lot of risks because of all the locally retained data. The more data which is retained and processed by these complex IT-systems, the more urgent their security becomes. To always be secure and never overlook any gaps, it’s absolutely necessary to sustain the protection through regular audits and by determining possible exposures. A proven way to effectively bundle all these procedures is the implementation of an information security management system (short: ISMS).

All the advantages of the ISO/IEC​ 27001 certification at a glance

Assurance concerning objectivity and validity of your risk assessment and adequacy of taken measures 
Satisfaction, enhanced efficiency and a better overview through improved processes 
Verification of independent audit in case of KRITIS

ISO/IEC 27001 is an internationally leading standard which describes the implementation and perpetuation of an appropriate information security management system (ISMS), targeting risk management. Concrete threat levels are analysed, appropriate countermeasures are taken and finally checked for effectiveness.

Providers of a critical infrastructure for the purpose of the KRITIS regulation have to have their IT-security measures checked in the course of the IT-safety act (§ 8a (3), BSI-Gesetz) every two years.

Please feel free to contact us:

Patrick Rischar

Head of Audit Service Management

CERTivation - DAkkS accreditiation